1AP Townhall helps bring every company or business unit under the AboitizPower (AP) group on the same page. It is a quarterly live-streaming meeting where team leaders from different business units report their updates and highlights for the information of the whole group.
Overall, this activity improves collaboration among AP business units. But for the individual employee, it gives each team member a clearer sense of belonging and purpose.
GNPower hosted the third 1AP Townhall Meeting of 2023 at the GMEC Administration Building last July 28. With the theme “Steady as the Wind Blows”, the event showcased the digital innovation pillar of the AP group.
AboitizPower President and CEO Manny Rubio was present during the event. Also there with the live audience were AboitizPower Generation Group COO Felino Bernardo, AboitizPower CFO/CIO Liza Luv Montelibano, Aboitiz Power CPO Maria Luisa Inofre, GNPower President and CEO Dennis Jordan, and the rest of GMEC and GNPD executives, managers, and team leaders.
Via live stream, different AboitizPower executives presented updates and highlights of the quarter from their respective areas remotely. As for the Thermal group, which includes GMEC and GNPD, Jordan reported its highlights and updates in person.
The visitors from AboitizPower toured both the GMEC and GNPD plants in the morning before the meeting.
The first 1AP Townhall Meeting of the year was held in Makban on February 3 and the second one was in North Luzon on May 12. The Townhall themes came from the AboitizPower core values of Integrity, Teamwork, Responsibility, Innovation, and Service Excellence.